This document is to make you aware of cycling etiquette and simple rules.
Being prepared
Before you head out on a cycle the club recommends that you understand the cycling etiquette the club recommends. It is also your responsibility to make sure you are prepared for your cycle, this includes making sure you are carrying the correct equipment and have a roadworthy bicycle.
Understanding your Cadence
Understand cadence: Cadence refers to the number of pedal revolutions per minute (RPM). It’s important to find a cadence that feels comfortable for you. Beginners generally benefit from maintaining a moderate cadence to start with, typically between 70-90 RPM.
Gear selection: Use your bike’s gears to find a comfortable cadence. If you find yourself pedaling too fast (a high cadence) and feeling like you’re spinning your wheels without much power, shift to a harder gear. Conversely, if you’re struggling to keep up or feeling fatigued, shift to an easier gear to reduce the resistance.
Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels during the ride. If you’re feeling fatigued or your legs are burning, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your cadence. Try shifting to an easier gear and increasing your cadence to reduce the strain on your muscles.
Watch experienced riders: Observe the cadence of more experienced riders in the group. You can learn a lot by observing their pedal stroke and trying to match their cadence. However, don’t feel pressured to keep up if it becomes too challenging. It’s okay to ride at a pace that is comfortable for you.
Practice regularly: Cycling cadence is something that improves with practice. The more you ride, the more comfortable you’ll become with different cadences and riding in a group. Don’t be discouraged if it takes time to find your ideal cadence—it will come with experience.
Remember, riding with a group is about enjoying the ride and the company of fellow cyclists. Don’t be afraid to communicate with the group and let them know if you’re having any difficulties. Most importantly, have fun and stay safe on your cycling adventures!
There are a number of calls which you might hear while out cycling. This document will cover the general calls that you might hear out on the road. There might be situations where the call might vary. It is important to familiarise yourself with these calls and use them yourself if and when the need arises. If in doubt call. It is worse to stay silent.
The following link is very useful in terms of hand signalling and calls.
“Surface or Pothole”: Usually accompanied by a waving of the palm of the hand or pointing to a hazard on the road. This call will come from the cyclist in front of the group it is to warn the rest of the group of a hazard upcoming, this could be for a number of reasons by here are a few examples: pothole, loss gravel or fallen branch.
Slowing: usually accompanied by a hand signal to indicate that the rider or riders are slowing down for some reason. For example, approaching a signal-controlled junction.
Stopping: usually accompanied by a hand signal to indicate that the rider or riders are stopping for some reason. For example, approaching a signal-controlled junction.
Wait : typically at a junction to indicate there is a car coming or that it is unsafe to proceed.
Clear: to indicate that a junction is traffic free or that it is safe to proceed. Rider must check themselves and not rely solely on others.
Move out /Pulling out: Riders should move in the direction indicated to avoid the obstruction.
Puncture: to inform riders in the group that rider has got a puncture and may also mean someone within the group is slowing down and to take care.
Car Up: to warn riders that a car is approaching from the rear of the group. Riders should be prepared to single out if riding two abreast to accommodate the car(s) moving through.
Car Down: to warn riders that a car is approaching from the front of the group. Riders should be prepared to single out if riding two abreast to accommodate the car(s) coming down, particularly on narrow rural roads.
Rider Up: to warn rider(s) that the rider(s) behind intend to pass. Riders should be prepared to move over or single out to accommodate the rider(s) coming through
Walker or ‘On the left’ or ‘On the Right’: To warn of a walker/runner ahead and that the group should pull away from the road.
Cycling as a group
Cycling as in pairs
Pair off in two’s and rotate at the front every couple of minutes or so. The frequency of rotation depends on the size of the group, the weather, pace etc. Riders will often call ‘Roll on’ to indicate that the riders at the front should rotate. It is also not advisable to call ‘Roll on’ if you are on a climb.

The group captain will make the call for the group to pair up / group up. This is when cyclist cycling in pairs.
When in position at the head of the inner line the rider will ease back to the speed of that line.
The key to smooth and efficient progress is to ensure that there are no sudden accelerations and that lead riders changing do not sprint through, opening gaps.
Where possible the resting rows should be sheltered from the wind.
The amount of time a rider should stay in the front right or left position may vary but usually, the group captain will say it at the start of the spin and might vary from 1- 3 or 10 minutes depending on wind conditions and the numbers on the group. A larger group should rotate quicker than a smaller group generally speaking.
When cycling in pairs make sure that you keep your eyes on the road ahead even if you are talking to the person next to you.
If you need to blow your nose or spit. Only do this if you are in the last position of the group cycle. Due to health reasons, it should not be done if you are in front of another cyclist.
Singling out
Riding in pairs might necessitate singling out to avoid conflict with traffic. Moving to single file will double the length of the group and may encourage drivers to overtake where it is not safe to do so. Decide what is safest for the group.
When the shout comes to single out (single) the lead rider nearest to the kerb should speed up slightly with the lead rider on the outside slotting in behind. Other riders should follow suit. Unless unsafe to do so everyone should keep speed up, at least until the group is in single file.
NOTE: This is a general rule and might change based on the group you are cycling with or the situation
To move back into pairs the leading riders position side by side with everyone slotting back into their original positions. It is vital that the lead riders proceed slowly as those at the back will have many bike lengths to make up.